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Private RV Rest Stop Site

USD 25 to USD 10,000

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USD 25 to USD 10,000

Listings in Private RV Rest Stop Site

There are many RV rest stops listed with RVn sites. The information presented here will help you locate rest areas across the United States.

If you believe you have lost or left an item in the lounge, you will need to contact the relevant Department of Transport (DOT) office. Each states DOT office is responsible for maintaining rest areas. They may be able to assist you with items lost or left behind in a rest area. Please do not contact us as we are unable to assist you

In some states, weary travelers may stay in their vehicles as long as needed without having to worry about how long they have been parked. Other laws require that you move your vehicle from a certain spot after a certain amount of time. However, those rules aren’t generally enforced unless there is reason to believe this law is being abused.

Camping is not permitted in any rest area. Camping is generally defined as setting up a tent or sleeping on the ground. Sleeping in your RV is not considered camping. You’ll find that there are some rest areas that provide access to a nearby state park or national forest which can accommodate overnight RV parking. You will also discover that in some turnpike service plazas located in Ohio, overnights parking for recreational vehicles is permitted.